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5130 Duke Street, Suite # 2
Alexandria VA

(703) 751-1111

MedPlus Pharmacy puts its patients first; we provide quality and cost-effective pharmacy products. Our pharmacy believes in patient awareness, customer satisfaction, and professional integrity.



MTM (Medication Therapy Management) is a medical care program provided by our pharmacy to optimize drug therapy and improve therapeutic outcomes for our patients.


MTM is a medical care program provided by our pharmacy to optimize drug therapy and improve therapeutic outcomes for our patients. Our Medication therapy management program includes five core components: a medication therapy review (MTR), personal medication record (PMR), medication-related action plan (MAP), intervention and/or referral, and documentation and follow-up.

We provide MTM sessions for all patients (at zero copay for Medicare patients) for better understanding of their diagnosis and medications, and follow-ups with re-evaluation after any occurring changes.